Letter from the Editorial Board

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dear Readers,

Here at the Harvard Medical School Review, we are committed to serve as a platform for student voice. We believe it is important to amplify the voices of our fellow Black students—now more than ever—who continue to face systemic and institutionalized racism. As aspiring healthcare providers, we recognize the many ways that racism has adverse consequences on the individual and on society. It is therefore our responsibility to seek racial justice; to uphold the Hippocratic oath; and to honor the sanctity of human life. We recognize that the medical establishment has also facilitated institutionalized racism, both directly and indirectly, and we call upon ourselves and our community to be a part of a long overdue change.

In commitment to this change—we dedicate a portion of all future issues of this journal to discussing racism and social determinants of health. In this way, we aim to amplify and to publish the voices of our peers on the frontlines of advocacy and social justice. This is how we break the silence. This is how we commit to you.

The Editorial Board

Student Voices of COVID-19: Call for Submissions

With health care systems around the world reeling under the weight of COVID-19, medical students have been caught in the crossfire at various stages in their training. On one end, some have been sent home by their schools to continue learning online; on the other, some are graduating early and joining the physician workforce at the frontlines.

Student Voices of COVID-19 is a project we created to collect reflections, experiences, and commentary from medical students during this extraordinary time. Submission types include: personal vignettes/reflections, opinions/commentary, poetry, artwork, and student group highlights.

All submissions will be evaluated in a blinded peer-review process for potential publication in HMSR. We hope to share pieces on Facebook @HMSReview , Instagram @hmsreview, and Twitter @hmsreview as they come in and eventually release a special full-length issue. For more information on how to submit, please refer to hmsreview.org/covid. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at hmsr.editor@gmail.com.

We look forward to your submissions, and stay safe!

HMSR Editorial Contest - Call for Submissions

Deadline: April 7th, 2019

HMSR is pleased to announce its inaugural editorial contest, Perspectives. Medical and graduate students of any institution are invited to submit commentary on current events in healthcare and medicine. The top editorial submission will receive a $100 prize. We are calling for commentary in the following five areas:

* Innovations in medical education
* New models of healthcare delivery and financing
* Impact of current political and legislative events on healthcare
* Developing new therapeutics and technologies (gene editing, artificial intelligence, etc.)
* Substance use and addiction

Submissions will be judged on relevance, novelty, depth of research, and quality of argument. All submissions will be evaluated in a blinded peer-review process for potential publication in HMSR. Formatting guidelines and submission instructions can be accessed at hmsreview.org/submit.

We look forward to reading your perspectives!